
That enemy within
Directed by Lola Arias
A production of the HAU Berlin
Soundtrack and live performed
We are born alone, but twins are born together.
We feel unique, but identical twins are doubles that share 100 % of their genes. Twins are an exception of nature that makes us think about who we are. How much of our personality is determined by our genes? How much by our environment? How much is coincidence?
The work of Lola Arias plays with the borderline between reality and fiction. Esther Becker, actress, and Anna K. Becker, director, are identical twins. Inspired by their personal experiences as well as other twin stories and studies, the young Argentinian author and director Lola Arias developed this piece. As a never ending song, a love letter to the alter ego, a speech for two voices sharing memories, thoughts, fears, fictions and scientific results, this monologue in stereo reflects how we construct our identity in the mirror of the other.
Hebbel am Ufer